Race Report - Sulphur City Kart Stars 2024

Hi everyone,
I have just completed the last round of the Hampton Downs Racing Academy Kartstars and Vortex Rok Cup 2024. It has been a long 6 months of 5 large national events where every race was crucial for points not only for the round but the overall series.

We went into Sulphur City off the back of a really solid club day and practice day, knowing we would have more competition to contend with. The weekend itself started off tough with the worst possible weather for official practice on Friday, which was torrential rain all day. Saturday was wet and cold, leading straight into qualifying. In Junior Rotax that went well coming 4th, but Junior DVS it wasn’t great as we soon realised that the kart was bent and making it pretty impossible to hit some of the corners, this unfortunately dragged through Saturday. By the end of the day we figured out how severe the chassis issues were with it being bent too many times. We couldn’t get it straight but we persevered. Sunday brought blue skies which was a relief to everyone! In Junior DVS the team worked really hard to get things set up best we could knowing what we were dealing with so the prefinal went pretty well coming in 3rd. I managed to start the final and finish it on 3rd too. The kart was going best it could, I had some good battles with first and second place karts but I couldn’t hold the position. In Junior Rotax I managed alright through the rain staying in the top 10 in the heats and pre finals to put me on grid 5 for the final. I had a good start from p5 where I got up to second then passing first place on the third lap. I had good pace and led the rest of the race going on to win it which was the highlight of the weekend and series in Junior Rotax. Overall it was a good weekend and championship. I was really stoked to make the podium in both classes, especially taking the top step in Junior Rotax.

A big shout out to my Dad, he worked so hard over the weekend testing and trying everything he had, Rhys Tinney supported us too and he was awesome not only on the tools but pumping me up and giving me good feedback on the races, Chris van der Drift was a great support too over the weekend helping me understand where I could improve or how to use the karts to get the best out of them, and all my supporters that call, text and watch live streaming or speedhive.
This was the end of my first time doing the full Kartstar and Rok Cup Series, I really enjoyed it. I got to travel the north and south islands and race at some awesome tracks. I am really proud that I have been on the top step for both Junior Rotax and DVS Junior during the series.
From here on we are focusing on getting to Italy. By the end of this week we need to confirm if we are going or not. At this stage we are so close to where we need to be to say yes, so we are working hard to get some further support and locking in additional fundraising and raffles to help.
Thank you for all your support! We all appreciate it. I am excited about what the rest of the year brings, it’s been an awesome six months and the best way to wrap up the series.
Thanks heaps

Carson Daly #97 / #1NZ